Friday, November 5, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Urban Stories. The Cleaning Lady.

She starts her day as usual - sweeping yellow leaves into bigger and smaller piles, swearing on guys who throw the butts of cigarettes on the ground instead of bin and she's always there - welcoming random people on their way to work, being a psychotherapist while listening to petulant stories of grannies, telling how much old bones are hurting and complaining that the prices for medicine are raising up, greeting the postman, who's trying to enter the house, but apparently forgot the entry code as he stays too long at the front door thinking [Yeah, the time goes and modern technologies come with the time]. This everyday ritual hasn't changed at all. At least for last 20 years. Might happen that prisoners of the cells of the Blockhouse Paradise have changed, the kids already grew up, but she's still there - sweeping the streets and washing the stairways with chlorine [so the smell is worse than in a public swimming pool afterwards]. So invisible and regular she is. Like a thing. Like a clock of existence. Like a painting on a Museum's wall [which is admired through centuries, but actually nobody gives a damn about it - only in a matter to be well-educated/informed]. She could easily be an icon of this live Museum of Cells, where behind the closed doors people tend to quarrel, love, cook dinners and oversleep working hours. This is a way of being a part of a randomly formed social group, even unintentionally.
Her bluish purple smock doesn't change colors either [meaning of royalty and wealth, and wisdom] - paradoxically it's a part of this Urban Museum icon. A face of an angel in the Forgotten World - filled with degenerates, drug addicts, young families and old couples, homeless cats and sometimes dogs, living in or nearby this Blockhouse Paradise. No signs of high culture, no signs of buildings of high appreciation and amazement, no positive vibes around... maybe that's why it's called the "sleeping" residential complex... and there are many of them, having many of these fairies in bluish purple smocks sweeping around the magic dust.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Snow White and Russian Red.

Dorota Maslowska leaves me ignorant, despite she’s called a new rising star of Polish literature. And I can see she’s definitely a new one... just I couldn’t stand the very descriptive context in which she tried to make an insight of modern Polish youth. Beside the true hate of Russians [and everything what’s connected to that], the regular fun and loosing sense of reality under the impact of drugs and creation of virtual reality thanks to an addiction of the New Age – video games. I guess I will never get through the real meaning of the book, as I stopped reading it after a few pages. Maybe I’m getting older or maybe the translation was too direct, but I could get the opposite of aesthetic pleasure of reading. This game of words seemed so dirty and unpleasant to my senses of beauty. Maybe not even unpleasant but just SIMPLE, like hearing the chat between two drunken guys of my backyard – who are not kids anymore, but they remained the same, getting all great influences of street life – especially all swear words and all the synonims of normal things in more „poetic” way. Well, I leave this peace of modern literature for another undefinite time with hope that someday somebody will tell me the whole story of „The Polish – Russian war under the Red-White flag”.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

There's a City in Italy Called...

Picture by Patrick Chevallier

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Smells and Love Stories [Prague Airport].

Travelling in memories. In memories of the best student times of 2008. Would love to see more than Airport, but the time is limited.
The language sounds as usually soft [even if it’s told to be opposite], but this time I can hardly understand what people are talking about.
I love airports. Indeed. Those loads of people, searching their gates and carrying big bags – in different colors [makes overall view important and very posh. Hehe.] – make you feel you’re going somewhere. And indeed I am. There’s something inspiring in all this multi-cultural mess of business men, mums taking their kids to WC, beautiful strangers which make you fall-in and out of love [as fast as the gate-ways are going here and there and what a pitty - you’re heading in different direction. Sometimes you’re on the same Boeing dragon, feeling the power of its’ wings made of steel]. Clean toilets, smoking prohibitions, innovations, bored ladies in small coffee worlds located next to each other and repleted with smells coming from duty-free shops of Parfume. People communicating in all possible languages of the world or being silent and thinking great thoughts. There’s something magnificent and united in all this reality of sky-dive providers. And I’m in it. Keeping the feeling as long as it stays. Let’s fly. High in the sky.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Intellectual Tea Drinking.

Recently I was reading stories of a group of young people writing their interpretations about global icons. Beside a global phenomena of beauty and problems of homosexuals in Baltic region, there were a few inspiring stories about Erasmus experience – of a huge responsibility of presenting your country – as at some point suddenly it has your face and your views on life – which you share with other curious minds, wanting to explore more and more... but one thing which thrilled me and made me think of secretly following the exposed habbit someday – was one lady’s experience with souvenir cups. I don’t know if it was true and she does this regularly, but the plan was to come together with friends [or family, depends on your relations] and have an informative and fun thematic tea drinking – everyone would get one random cup – representing one country and have a lively discussion telling people, what’s happening in that country. Imagine – it’s December, it’s snowing outside, it’s freakin’ cold, but we go out for a smoke on the balcony and speak about international politics and survival kit for the chosen country... the cousine, the card games, the famous bastards, numerous loves at first sight, art galleries and fashion weeks... until not only tea becomes cold, but the feet as well start to become numb... but we continue...
Well, maybe I thought of this just because I have a small collection of such souvenir cups... otherwise – it’s quite nice way to follow the news on the world stage, if you didn’t manage to check yourself...

Friday, July 30, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Truth is...

This blog seems to be dead. There are loads of Human Stories in my mind... and they are just waiting to be spread out... and waiting already for a long time... SHAME ON ME!

Hitch-Hiking Is Like Liquorice Candies - You Love It Or Hate it!

Sometimes seeing couples or loners on the road with paper signs with the names of big cities and with the thumb raised up makes a lively joke in a regular life of high-ways. Beside the fact that hitch-hiking is becoming quite popular among young people by means of exploring the world, the feelings about this method of travelling differ – and mainly it’s like with Liquorice candies – you like it or hate it. But what is hitch-hiking? It’s not just standing on the edge of a lonely or rather busy road with a thumb raised up trying to stop the car, which is going in a preferred direction. It’s more about meeting strangers on your way and conversations! Anyhow, even if English is worldly accepted communication language, knowing other languages gives a huge benefit of spending time in random companies of strangers quite vivid and full of discussions while getting to final destination. It’s about being brave to challenge self in spontaneous and unknown situations. The curiosity to explore is the thing that keeps it going. People call it crazy, people call it dangerous. And in both ways they are right, and it’s everyone’s choice to do it or not. And beside there’s always buses going on their regular routes at exact times of the day.
[Search for the full article inside "DoRight" June issue]

Friday, May 28, 2010

Existential Happiness.

While big boobs are winning second semi-finals of Eurovision [feel sorry for Lithuanians, as they were the best from all that crap shown on television last night, although they didn't have boobs], my mind comes to existential questions - how do people survive these days, what do they do for living?
Everyday passing through my small town on my way to the office I see a smiling lady in her 50-ties on the edge of Bazaar, hiding under big umbrella [whether is meant against the sun or either rain] and selling apples. Everyday! And she greets me with warm hello, asking where I'm going, in fact that she already knows where I'm heading to. Always so happy and smiling. Maybe the colors of reddish-yellow apples brings another joyful spectrum in seeing life in bright colors. And I feel happy to greet her.
Another old lady living in a house next to the office, always enjoying morning sun with glass of Lemon Schwepps smiles and says "Hello,what a nice sunny day outside, come over for the coffee!" And I refuse again, telling that I have work to do. But is it that hard - to leave all that work - and just go - to enjoy a frivolous chat with retired Geography teacher? C'mon! She has interesting stories to tell... she lived in another times... and I'm curious about them. I bring her fresh strawberries from the market and skip the coffee enjoyment for another time. As there will be another times. And sometimes it's just enough with one strong emotion - feeling of happiness... So dare and share it...
[By the way - I had the best morning ever - having a morning coffee while watching the world news on TV. Sometimes TV box is a real luxury ;)]
By the way - beside all those crimes and catostrophes, global challenges taking our minds, there is still space for our dreams. So start making the list! ;)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Life of an NGO - Leading Politics Without Government.

You’re young and strong willed? You know what you want to achieve in your nearest future? Or actually you have no clue about the future, but you have some bright ideas at the present, which could change exactly your future and the society you’re living in? Just start a magazine, make an art workcamp for kids, help to prevent starvation in Africa, set up a football match against racism, create a workshop to clean the city – do whatever is good to keep society curious about certain meaningful topics – and a NGO is one of the best places to do it!

Like in the beginning of the world there was a purpose of creating something (if we believe that was this “cosmic” dust transformed into the planet Earth we inhabit now), and creating comes out mainly from idea. An idea which survives the times, circumstances and problems. The same can be referred to the creation of a non-governmental organization (further NGO). Mainly in the beginning it’s just a small group of enthusiastic people sharing the same interests about certain topics and a big wish to influence the on-going affairs in local or global level (feeling the urge of preventing certain problems/ speaking out about global consequences in local communities/ alter “unhealthy” thinking etc.)

When this small group is experienced enough (already making some voluntary activities in changing things around them and they succeed), the time comes to establish an organization officially – with main values, goals, rules and regulations, statement of intent and name, which usually gives a brief insight on main activities of the organization.

That’s how a non-governmental organization is born, after the celebration of new-born it’s time to enlarge the range of activities, promotion and voluntary participants (as NGOs are usually working on voluntary basis). When human resources are enlarged by a bunch of enthusiastic people wanting to change this world, it’s time to activate more and more projects, which will strengthen the values of the organization and make people involved closer to each other (friends) and the ideas they follow. When small informational and educational voluntary activities are not enough anymore (even with all this enthusiastic voluntary spirit) and the question comes to money issues – it’s time to search for financial support (either it’s support from local municipality or private companies for several projects or either “Youth in Action” program providing various ways for creative exposure for young minds to make projects and get funding for approved projects). It all depends on the way an NGO is working to get funding for their activities and whether they need money – as the main player still remains the human with his free will to participate and do some changes in society. Nevertheless, NGOs have critical points in their evolution – when the old leader is tired (or wanting to go further in his career) and the young one is not yet ready to keep the track – it usually happens after 2 years of existence. In a lucky situation the new leader takes things under control and the NGO experiences some changes and continues its’ evolutionary chart.

Being a part of an NGO is not just about dealing with bureaucratic circumstances and being involved in activities, it’s about bringing creative ideas, producing lively discussion, team-building, gaining organizational skills, keeping minds aware about global and local issues which matter and taking new challenges. Beside that – entering the society of NGO-ers, which bring not only new contacts (all around the country and abroad) and helping hands in realizing projects (collaboration), but as well different informational fields (full of opportunities for young people to participate and be active). Maybe you’ll start as a follower of someone else's ideas which are so close to your ideals, but anyway that day when you’ll establish your own NGO is already written down in future. For some people it’s like a disease – once you’re in, you can’t get out. Anyway if being active in the NGO sector doesn’t take you in so deep, overall it’s a great experience in a never ending process of non-formal learning.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Struga GANG Production presents: Biljana's Birthday Movie 2010!

Architecture - Real Estate of Mind

Architecture – not just the science of building stable houses with different shapes and accessories, according to current fashion… and architects – not just brave knights of future thinking drawing chimneys and projecting constructions of new libraries in their imaginative mind, while speaking with you… there’s definitely something more... more professional and dealing with responsibility – for creating or improving living environments for countless generations…
However in all times an architect as an image of a person, architecture and the profession of the architect were profoundly defined terms in the consciousness of society and it won’t change its’ meaning despite strong influence of differentiated social contexts. It stays as real estate presenting all kinds of emotions carried within the creation process…

A Cocktail of triumphant ideas
Nameless city. Large enough to gather all the masterpieces created since the time when people tried to fill up their living space with harmony. Maybe it started with nature, but continuously the art of building houses tried to leave remarkable footprints of understanding the beautiful. The colorful “ice-cream” hats of St. Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow (referring to Russian national style), the palace of Versailles (home for royal ancestors and example of French Baroque Era), Taj Mahal mausoleum (mix of Persian, Indian and Islamic architecture), Gaudi’s House of Bones [Casa Batlló] (a highly unique feature of art-nouveau), ugly forms of functionalism (presented mostly as block houses worldwide), Frank Gehry’s metallic clouds and dancing houses (confirming artistic liberty of modern times in deconstructive manner) and other numerous examples, keeping the interaction between cultures and styles, exposed in descriptions of certain timelines… In this chaos of figures, structures, materials, colors and ideas – stands out the meaning, as every house is built or destroyed on purpose. Wherever it comes from - it appears with the urge for change. In this case the architecture is functioning as a reflection of artifacts visualizing the interpretation of lifestyles, tendencies and overall philosophy for exact period of history, and as well keeping the sprouts in the ground for future creations.

Life of a creator – dreamer versus demand
Today’s information society presents a choosy consumer wanting to be amazed by an original product and at the same time feeling comforted inside of new shapes created by constructional magicians of the New Age (functional and attractive). World-famous Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas once said that every architect is a dreamer, trying to make this world better. From one side he’s right – as all the constructions and searches for new forms of exposure speak by themselves. From the other side – working hard on implementing demands and if in the past it more followed the guidelines of current style, then now when everything is done before – competing for the best performance on the world stage. Mostly it’s a fight of giants in an amusement park, which in the end provides us with fruitful conjunction of pieces of urban reality – Frank Gehry (Guggenheim museum in Bilbao, Spain), Rem Koolhaas (Central China Television Headquarters Building in Beijing, China), Jørn Utzon (Sydney Opera House), Santiago Calatrava (Alamillo Bridge in Seville, Spain)… and other bright minds are still on the way to make a show on the world stage...

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Road Trippin' in Serbia.

Morning starts early. While other bohemians like me are sleeping I’m leaving already this inspiring environment located in an apartment somewhere near city center of Belgrad, wishing great time and seeing in future again. Yeah, you know – this White City is something truly mine! Slavia is reached and the bus is missed. But soon should appear next one No.31. The bus goes the right direction but that wouldn’t be me if I wouldn’t gone at least 2 stops more than needed. So I did. But not a big trouble… fresh morning walk to the bridge with blue railings, then down the stairs and here the hitchin’ a ride starts… Amazingly, first car stopped, so I’m going in a little truck with nice old man inside in direction to “Niš” 70km/h. Serbian-Macedonian discussions how pretty city is, where are we from and what we are doing, but anyhow way is quite long, so it mostly turns out to be a silent drive with exchanging cigarettes time to time and short interruptions on themes of unemployment in the country, recycling and cities in Serbia “you should see before you die”. Niš is reached. I stay on high-way and here the great adventure No.1 starts. Beside police car suggesting me to travel by bus, I stop the truck with Turkish guy inside and with no knowledge of English. So I guess, it didn’t matter, where actually I’m going or maybe “Skopje” and “Sofia” sounded pretty similar for a Turkish ear? Yeah, you guessed right – he was going in direction to Sofia. And as far as he drove I had a feeling that I won’t be in Macedonia anyhow, so asked to stop in the middle of nowhere where I was currently situated, and thinking to go back to “Niš”. Well, at least there always appears some hope inside image of a car to take you back to civilization. Small truck, nice guy with wish to go out of his country [huh, everybody has this dream???] and 2 small kids at home, same Serbian-Macedonian conversations about unemployment and pollution in Serbia and Macedonia. Yeah, all depends on culture of people. He drops me off near the sign showing Skopje and as well Belgrad [which is the opposite direction, huh?], so it makes whole this affair more complicated. But it’s not that hopeless, there’s one guy standing and making swan-fly dances on the road! Yeah! Another hitch-hiker! And actually my savior – at least 10 minutes of waiting turns out to be fun and helping hand from his side – explaining local lady who stopped where she should drop me off. I’m on the right road, sun is hiding beyond the clouds and I keep on telling myself that I will be today in Skopje, but there’s no sign that it could happen… as mostly all cars turn on sideway or just pass. But suddenly appears not-Turkish truck (Turkish trucks from my previous experience I am trying to avoid. And there are more intimate matters than just misunderstandings about directions) and it stops as finally sign “Vranje” works better than “Skopje”. Two guys inside – older one and other in his 30-ties (probably. Here in Balkans everyone for me looks older than they are). Same Serbian-Macedonian discussions about unemployment, weather… proposal of marrying a son of the older guy. To skip the love affairs I’m telling to have a Serbian boyfriend [so since now – I have artificial one for such occasions] whom I was visiting in Belgrad. Vranje is reached and trip continues. One older guy picks me up till bordercity, so just 30 km left till the border. And here starts great adventure No.2! A local car stops, I ask if the car goes in direction to border, driver tells to jump in, we start to move and I ask, where actually the guy is heading to – the answer surprises me: “I’m bringing you to the border!” Well, the things proceed in the manner that guy asks me to have a coffee with him, I refuse… he tries again… telling how pretty I am [hey, I looked like a shit that day – and that was on purpose!] and even the fact of having artificial Serbian boyfriend doesn’t help much… after refusing having a coffee, a guy offers 20 Euros, then 50 Euros… level of extreme raises, but still I keep calm wishing that border comes sooner. Well, I had to have a coffee with the guy at the Serbian border and luckily there the story ends. “They hugged each other and lived happily ever after separately!”

Have you ever felt like a vehicle? I did. On the border of Serbia there was a little row of cars, I will count them down: 1st car already having a passport check, 2nd car waiting, ME and 4th car on the row. Huh, strange and at the same time amazing feeling… the border-guy smiles and wishes “Good luck” and there I am… out of one country and not yet in another. At least this space has just straight piece of tarmac [more amazement gets one of Bosnian-Serbian borders – when “out of space” territory is held on a bridge]… “Dobrodojdovte vo Makedonija”- another border guy smiles, asks if he’s right about European Union as my passport is not really red as it should be – yeah, yeah, already 5 years… and I go… I go home… feeling so free… playing with a dog [this one I already know from previous trips to Serbia – as he’s all the time passing the same territory. Probably he could be called a “Border puppy”]

This time without even leaving Border territory, one car beeps to jump in and drives towards Kumanovo. Mind becomes much brighter, as the sky just starts to grow in dusk, but I’m already almost in Skopje. Last car stops with Bulgarian number, but guy inside speaks Macedonian. To my amazement or by today’s all-day practice all way to Skopje was fulfilled with chatting in Macedonian! [huh, I see that impossible is nothing! Just right circumstances are needed!] The car drops me off in Kisela Voda… and it’s already dark, in spite it’s just 5 PM… and I’m happily moving my feet in direction to EVS Palace with hope that there will be somebody to give me a shelter and warmth, which EVS volunteers always have… and I’m not wrong about that, while sitting on the stairs and feeling happy of no more movement for today! By the way – it’s Spring outside!

Monday, February 15, 2010

In Love [with White City]

Speechless. Amazed. In Love. [maybe?]

Groove Armada - "Sex and The City Theme Song"

Monday, February 8, 2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010

It's All About Genes.

Firstly, history is very relative topic. It's somewhere there - flying in the air. Yeah, exactly - flying! And I still wonder how people made up machines and measures to tell the age of some artefacts, searching other coincidences of bone features and relating them to nations, times and movements.
And today's curiousness took me into exploring Slavic origins. Beside their origin state, which nowadays is known as Ukraine, they mixed up a lot - invading, making friendships, playing wars, assimilating, searching for new territories, where to settle their little gardens with potatoes and carrots, and of course partying and doing all other stupid stuff, which we will never know - as the train already left [we can't go back in time to see it.] But I still wonder how did ancient parties look like?
But the thing is - it's all about genes. Slavs should have Y chromosome - so called R1a. And due to wikipedia, partying around the Europe was quite successful as even nowadays "the frequency of Haplogroup R1a ranges from 63% by Sorbs, 56% in Poland and 54% in Ukraine, to 15% in Republic of Macedonia, 14% in Bulgaria and 12% in Herzegovina." It's the case of slavs. [I don't want to quote whole article dedicated on exploring roots of Slavic people].
We are already experiencing quite successful partying around the Europe, and probably within 2 centuries history books will already recall migrations and assimilations of Baltic tribes in Ireland, Macedonian tribes in multi-cultural Australia, Turkish tribes in Germany, Vietnamese tribes in Czech Republic etc. And then again the case will be - it's all about genes [or maybe money? Love? Political affairs? Religion?]. Anyway keep it going - Stir up this cocktail! ;)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hello Beautiful!

While searching for little wires which connect things in one big network of thoughts, there was an issue which really amazed me. Going through numerous search results on question of architecture, one blog name dedicated to expose of curiousities of modern architecture, was (and still is) called "Hello Beautiful!"
That makes another network of wires going directly to statement "Rem Koolhaas", who once said that "every architect is a dreamer, trying to make this world better", and probably he's right as the pieces of human imagination in this area can be seen directly and you don't have to prove the world again that you're a Dreamer, as all the constructions and search of new forms of exposure speak by themselves...


Have to make sketch of daily activities, as plans usually don't work with me. Maybe that's why hitch-hiking goes well, as all plans are considered as relative from the very beginning.
I overslept my language class today! Well, it doesn't sound like something that you have never done... but it was! As I opened my eyes in late morning, when the phone was ringing - at 14:00!!! Amazing! I still can't get over that! Definately some sketch is needed!

She Pours a Daydream in a Cup...

No words.
Just enjoyment...

Friday, January 29, 2010

Matter Of a Tradition.

Coca-Cola with lemons like in old good times. And my article stucks in a moment. Going nowhere. Just time is ticking out...
Was chatting today about documentaries. And possible themes according to certain circumstances of reality. I can't tell for sure that kids which are taken with their parents to a journey into new reality [in more specific terms - the case of Latvian immigrant families/job-seekers in UK and Ireland] are supposed to be left without a real childhood. The thing is that human is very adaptable creature, which can withstand the heat of Australia and the cold of North Pole, it all depends on demands. And so called "grown-up kids" are thrown into new reality just with the opportunity to meet all the benefits and drawbacks and try to cope with it. Maybe it's a matter of a tradition? That human should have childhood memories such like playing football in the neighborhood and pushing himself to attend School of Musical education, because everyone does? But times are changing, as well as habits and memories... who knows, maybe after 20 years those kids will be talking about how did they cope with language and cultural challenges and about their first trip to London? Anyhow, every experience is good experience, made on purpose or without.
But it's a documentary, so let's make some drama or at least provide some doubts! ;)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Show Time. Snow Time.

Pancakes with apples. This grandmother's recipe was exclusively discovered in last days, since my home is asking for more oxygen and smoking in double. I have a new flatmate - EVS volunteer from Poland - Agnieszka. Winter arrived as well - in countinuous progression. And probably will stay here for a while. While outside all surroundings are under white blanket of snow, my 3 year old Converse shoes are suffering in the hallway. And those 2 oxygen users are freezing in separate rooms - but using one thing in common - the heater. My sense of "waiting for Central Heating turn-on" is on the highest peak... and I wish some flowers appear... it's already time for enjoyable morning coffees with cigarettes on the balcony with terrific view of Ohrid lake. [Hey, Christmas are gone! I don't need snow anymore!]
While whole blockhouse paradise is enjoying deep sleep those 2 oxygen users are actively using Facebook entertainment options - I already started to feel longing for beauty of silly tests and Fortune Cookies!
Good morning world! I don't feel any passion to go out tomorrow! Sorry, all my dates are sold out.
Bonobo sounds very yammy already second day and my American friend making fun of my natural avoidance using articles before nouns and that's why "Donald Duck was taking care of elephant". Hah, we could make 8-year old's translation of article into Macedonian! New challenges come up everyday! And even with all my typically Latvian, ironic sense of humor - Republic of the Sun is always in my heart, on my neck, on my laptop surface and everywhere else... and it remains timeless like the commercial of Macedonia proposes.

And actually I quite amaze myself by writing all these details of my tryings to balance between harmonious existing and something undefined.

Bonobo - "The Shark"

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Usual. No.24

Beginning of the Year - with new plans, goals and crushes on the way... starts as usual - with Australia on Fire [covering enormous territories of wood and always a bit different official score of burned houses mentioned in the news], another murders in Finland [the depression grows, hah? or longing of everyday surprises?] and another clicheic speech of guys from government, emphasizing the problems of good behavior of citizens, putting accent on paying taxes [which have grown in quantity like mushrooms after rain] and determining themselves to achieve high goals [at least that's what Latvian ones said].
First days meet me with lightning and rain! [by Latvian tradition after a few times I can start swimming season! Well, the only difference is that there is no lightning in January usually and so annoying rain!]
Time to create. Time to work. Work so hard for your goals. Time to expose individual fragments of freedom. Meet old and new friends and travel the world together. And be happy. [And rain actually is a great sign that it can be!]
By the way - South Asia continues to play wars... I see there's kind of sense of fun in bombing? [if diplomacy never works, then oil always does] And I wonder what's the first thought in the morning of those, who call the place their home? [Am I still alive?]

Too Much.

Too much party.
Too much alcohol.
Too much expectations.
Too much connections.
Too much joy.
Too much non-sense.
Too much. Too much.

Pet Shop Boys "New York City Boy"