Thursday, February 4, 2010

It's All About Genes.

Firstly, history is very relative topic. It's somewhere there - flying in the air. Yeah, exactly - flying! And I still wonder how people made up machines and measures to tell the age of some artefacts, searching other coincidences of bone features and relating them to nations, times and movements.
And today's curiousness took me into exploring Slavic origins. Beside their origin state, which nowadays is known as Ukraine, they mixed up a lot - invading, making friendships, playing wars, assimilating, searching for new territories, where to settle their little gardens with potatoes and carrots, and of course partying and doing all other stupid stuff, which we will never know - as the train already left [we can't go back in time to see it.] But I still wonder how did ancient parties look like?
But the thing is - it's all about genes. Slavs should have Y chromosome - so called R1a. And due to wikipedia, partying around the Europe was quite successful as even nowadays "the frequency of Haplogroup R1a ranges from 63% by Sorbs, 56% in Poland and 54% in Ukraine, to 15% in Republic of Macedonia, 14% in Bulgaria and 12% in Herzegovina." It's the case of slavs. [I don't want to quote whole article dedicated on exploring roots of Slavic people].
We are already experiencing quite successful partying around the Europe, and probably within 2 centuries history books will already recall migrations and assimilations of Baltic tribes in Ireland, Macedonian tribes in multi-cultural Australia, Turkish tribes in Germany, Vietnamese tribes in Czech Republic etc. And then again the case will be - it's all about genes [or maybe money? Love? Political affairs? Religion?]. Anyway keep it going - Stir up this cocktail! ;)

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